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Soil Nutrition Products


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Move Residue out. Move Nutrients In.

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Cleaner. Safer. Soy.

Replace your talc and graphite with this Patented Biodegradable Seed Lubricant & Static Reduction Product - it’s better for your bottom line, safer for your health, better for the environment!

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Enhances nutrient uptake and increases yield.

Microbial Inoculants: Helping farmers enhance nutrient uptake and increase yield, from planting through harvest.


Terrasym microbial inoculant products contain living PPFM strains that are specifically selected for the intended crop, and can be applied in-furrow, on seed, or as a planter box application. Terrasym products establish a natural, permanent partnership with plants. This symbiotic relationship makes crops stronger, more stable, and more tolerant of abiotic stress throughout their life cycle.

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YieldLine Launch Max Corn
Increased Planter Performance

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YieldLine Launch Max Soybeans
Increased Planter Performance

YIELDLINEâ„¢ LAUNCH MAXâ„¢  SOYBEAN s a best-in-class 80/20 talc/graphite combination that ensures optimum performance in today’s high-speed planters. Specifically designed to fix Nitrogen and enhance overall crop performance while taking the place of any seed fluency agent.

YIELDLINE™ LAUNCH MAX™ CORN is a best-in-class 80/20 talc/graphite combination that ensures optimum performance in today’s high-speed planters. Can take the place of any seed fluency agent.

Ready To Get Started?

At AgPoint Solutions, we are committed to providing you with the best products to help your farm thrive. If you have questions about any of our products or don't see what you are looking for, please contact us and we will work with you to create a plan for success.

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